The Great Debate

How often do you wash your hair?

The “Great Debate” is one every woman has with her friends at some point in their life.

I’ve learned after speaking to almost every person whose hair I have done that this is

something you just don’t really learn growing up as weird as it sounds. As a kid you

wash your hair every night or every other, well because you are dirty as all get out!

Especially during puberty, that awkward time no kid likes to bathe. *cringe* YUCK!

But really think about it, why do you wash your hair as much or as less as you do?

Does shampooing daily keep you oily? Does shampooing make your hair dry? The

answer is...depends on who you are and what your hair is telling you!

As a kid and still now I am a super oily person, my whole freaking body! So for the

longest time I shampooed every other day and used dry shampoo or baby powder in

between, dreading those days but too lazy to shampoo. Finally one summer I got the

courage to just LET IT GO. I didn’t do a damn thing to my hair for almost 2 weeks! I

used a lot of dry shampoo, headbands, and hats those days. My results were great

though, I was able to go almost a full week without shampooing. It wasn’t until day 5

or 6 that I was needing dry shampoo. My hair wasn’t visibly oily due to the dry

shampoo, but you know that feeling when your hair starts to feel heavy at your scalp

and it doesn’t move after you pull your ponytail out after a long day? I was there and

after weeks, it was taking a toll on me mentally, I just felt blah. So, I switched up my

routine. For myself, I shampoo twice a week. Once at work where I usually blow dry

and style it afterwards, and then I shampoo on my day off and let my hair dry

naturally and breathe. My oil is still contained. I’m not over shampooing and drying

my hair out. I am not using dry shampoo, not because I hate it, but because I don’t

have too!

Blown’s Living Proof Dry Shampoo

Click on the image to purchase NOW

The only thing that I can confidently say is, don’t wash your hair everyday! It truly is

making it worse! You are stripping the natural oils from your scalp so in return your

body is over producing to make up for it. Be that as it may you do not have to go 1-2

weeks without touching it like some people swear by. Listen to your hair and if you

need help ask a translator (AKA your hairdresser). Tell them everything you do.

Literally Everything. What’s your daily routine, occupation, products you use, possibly

medication, how you sleep, etc. From this accumulation of information, working

together with your hairdresser you can address and eliminate problem areas. You all

can create a customized routine specific to your needs! You may learn you have to

tweak some things. Hopefully, *fingers crossed* you can find some answers!


Where to begin…